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URL Decoding with Ruby - A Detailed Explanation

URL Decoding with Ruby - A Detailed Explanation Image

Published Date: September 9, 2022

Updated Date: September 9, 2022

In order to encode a string or a URL in Ruby, you can use the CGI::Escape method. This method will escape or encode the string or URL in Ruby.

How to encode a string or a URL in RUBY

require 'cgi'

url_encoded_string = CGI.escape("Enc@de my Str!ng in @Ruby")

puts url_encoded_string


# Output

Similarly, if we want to decode a string or URL in Ruby, we can make sue of the CGI::Unescape method. This method will unescape or decode the string or URL in Ruby.

How to decode a string or a URL in RUBY

require 'cgi'

url_decoded_string = CGI.unescape("Dec%40de%20my%20Str%21ng%20in%20%40Ruby")

puts url_encoded_string


# Output
Dec@de my Str!ng in @Ruby

Related Decoding techniques:

Related Encoding techniques:

There are many applications that require you to encode your URL into a format that the systems can understand. If you wish to encode a URL, check out our free online URL Encoder.

Some systems communicate with encoded URLs, so you may need to decode a URL. If you want to decode a URL online, we have our free online URL Decoder.